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Tantalus (2102)

A hand reaching out towards the sun set over a body of water


Tantalus' tale is a cautionary one, warning of the dire consequences of arrogance and hubris. Tantalus was the king of Sipylus and the son of Zeus and a nymph. He was treated like a god and enjoyed the favor of the gods, sharing in their divine feasts and secrets. Yet, his insatiable greed led him astray. In a brazen act, he stole the ambrosia of the gods and and gave it to he mortals as well as revealed their divine secrets. Not only this but he also wanted to test the gods sense of omniscience and killed his son in an act of hubris and fed it to the gods, to see if they knew what it was they were being served They all did, besides Demeter, who was focusing on the initial loss of her daughter at the moment.

For these transgressions, mainly the murder of his own son Tantalus faced divine retribution. Condemned to eternal torment in the underworld, he stood in a pool of water that receded when he tried to drink from it. And he stood beneath boughs of luscious fruit that eluded his grasp when he reached for it. His name has since become synonymous with the tantalizing, forever unattainable.

Fun Fact:

In the realm of celestial bodies, the asteroid Tantalus boasts an eccentric orbit, making it a potentially dangerous object, mirroring the tumultuous nature of its mythic namesake. Its path through the cosmos is marked by unpredictability, emphasizing the theme of tantalizing unfulfillment and constant striving and how dangerous they can be in certain circumstances. This enigmatic celestial companion carries the echoes of Tantalus's eternal punishment, a reminder of the consequences of insatiable desire.


  • Perpetual Striving: Those influenced by Tantalus may find themselves in a perpetual state of striving, often seeking unattainable goals or yearning for what forever seems just out of reach.

  • Lesson in Moderation: Tantalus's myth serves as a cautionary tale about the perils of greed and arrogance, prompting individuals to learn the value of moderation and humility.

  • Eternal Dissatisfaction: The presence of Tantalus in one's astrological chart may signify a recurring theme of dissatisfaction, a reminder to find contentment in what is achievable rather than endlessly pursuing the unattainable.

  • Hubris and Consequences: Like Tantalus, you may encounter situations where overconfidence or hubris leads to unforeseen consequences, underscoring the importance of humility and restraint.

  • The Elusive Quest: Tantalus's influence may lead you on quests or endeavors that seem endlessly elusive, challenging you to persevere despite the odds.

  • Filicide: Just like Tantalus the influence of this asteroid could show up rather prevalent in forensic astrology charts, especially one's considering the murder of one's own child/son.

Tantalus' asteroid orbit


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