Myth: Watch this shit so I don't have to type shit out :-) : https://youtu.be/RhaepLsP5eg
So basically 2 bitches in luv, one dies, other goes to underworld to get her back, dumb hoe violated 1 rule and looked back and lost her forever, sad forever, played bumpin' ass song, and got murked
Losing what you value the most/a loved one
Trials and tribulation to try and recover what was lost/in the name of love
Skill with music (especially stringed instruments)
"what could have been"
Contact with the dead
Loss/death (of a person or of a relationship, or a phone, or something ykwim)
What is lost and can't be gotten back
What could've been, but is too late to have
Unexplained abrupt severed ties.
