Alright, listen up! So, we got this dude, right? He's all fine and sexy as hell, but damn, is he conceited! He had this wicked curse where if he caught a glimpse of himself, he'd kick the bucket. One fine day, he spots his reflection in a damn pond, and let me tell you, he found himself so frickin' attractive (kinda fruity if you ask me 🤨), he couldn't take his eyes off his own fine ass. Well, what happened next? The fool starved himself to death and transformed into a bunch of goddamn daffodils.
Fun fact:
There's another asteroid called Echo that comes from the same myth as Narcissus, and we got Nemesis too in the mix.
Egotism: Narcissus represents that straight-up ego trip, man! It's all about excessive self-love, vanity, and being way too full of oneself. Like, damn, take it down a notch, will ya?
Fruitiness: Yeah, you heard me right! This myth's got some fruity vibes going on. It's all about that self-obsession and finding oneself damn attractive. Gotta keep it real, even if it's a bit unconventional.
Pride: Narcissus embodies that over-the-top pride, bro! It's all about having an inflated sense of self-worth, strutting around like you're the hottest thing on the planet. Confidence is cool, but too much can be a real turn-off.
Good looks: Narcissus is the epitome of physical attractiveness, my friend. It's all about being a head-turner, a real heartthrob. If you got those looks that make people weak in the knees, you got some Narcissus energy going on.
Rejecting others' love: This myth teaches us about rejecting love from others, man. Narcissus couldn't give a damn about someone else's affection. It's all about being too self-absorbed to accept love or reciprocate feelings. Cold, but true.
