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Medusa (149)

Myth: Medusa was one of 3 gorgons and a priestess in the temple of Athena, one day she got raped by Poseidon and told Athena of her victimization, instead of helping her, Athena thought she was lying and instead cursed her for accusing a god of such a thing. The curse gave Medusa snakes for hair and also made it so that no man will never look at her, because if they do they will turn to stone. I feel like she used this power to her advantage, and instead of being upset in the curse she found personal power within it and started turning hoe's to stone. Perseus was then sent by Athena to behead the now monster. He did this and gave the head, which had the power to turn anyone who looked upon it into stone, to Athena. Athena then put the head on her shield and uses it in warfare.

Fun Fact: For his victory against the Gorgon monster, Perseus was forever immortalized in the heavens, as the constellation Perseus. The star Algol within the constellation (26 degrees of taurus), which is one of the most malefic and violent stars, is representative of Medusa's head in particular and represents beheadings and all the violence associated with yk, beheading, not the full story of medusa though.


  • Rape

  • Victimization

  • Unearned punishment

  • Personal power

  • Snakes

  • Beheadings

  • Not being protected/comforted by those that you expect to


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