Kassandra, a Trojan priestess of Apollo and a princess, had quite the tumultuous relationship with the gods. She was bit of a knob tease with Apollo, making him believe she would be his wife, only to later say "hell to the nah". Because of this fuckery Apollo granted her the gift of foresight, but with a fucked up twist—no one would ever believe her prophecies. It was like having a crystal ball that people would dismiss, leaving Kassandra frustrated and unheard. Despite her accurate predictions of the Trojan War (thanks to Eris stirring up trouble), the fall of Troy, and the death of its king, her warnings were totally disregarded. Additionally, she endured the trauma of being raped in Athena's temple, which led to a flood sent by Athena to Greece.
Fun Fact:
The asteroid Kassandra made a cameo appearance in the 2009 movie called "Meteor," where it was depicted as splitting into two and hurtling towards Earth in a cataclysmic collision. It also belongs to a rare category of asteroids known as T-Type asteroids.
Being Unheard or Mistrusted: Those influenced by the asteroid Kassandra often find themselves in situations where their truthful words or advice go unheard or are met with skepticism. Despite their genuine intentions and accuracy, they face challenges in gaining credibility and trust.
Credibility/Trustworthiness: The issue of credibility and trust becomes a significant theme for individuals associated with Kassandra. They may need to work harder to establish their reliability and gain the trust of others, overcoming the inherent skepticism that surrounds them.
The Rejection of Advice: Kassandra's story reflects the experience of having valuable insights and wisdom, yet facing rejection when offering advice. Those influenced by Kassandra may encounter situations where their guidance and foresight are disregarded, leading to missed opportunities or unfortunate outcomes.
Foresight/An Ability to Divinate: Just like Kassandra's prophetic gift, individuals connected to this asteroid possess a heightened sense of foresight and divination. They have the ability to see what lies ahead with remarkable accuracy, even if their predictions are often dismissed or overlooked.
