Myth: Eris is the sister of nemesis and is actually a spirit (if you're a 90's kid and ever watched Sinbad, then you know her, yk the sexy bitch) and she is always helping Ares, the god of aggressive unjust war. She represents strife and discord. The main story with her is that the bitch wasn't invited to a wedding, (because yk who wants literal strife and discord at their wedding) whereas all the other gods were. So she was pissed and threw a golden apple of discord at the wedding, to make all the goddesses start arguing with each other. This through like a chain of events was the cause of the trojan war, so bitch started a war because she was jealous.
Fun Fact: Eris actually shares a center of mass with Pluto and they orbit together in a binary planetary system. She is arguably considered a dwarf planet, just like Pluto.
Exclusion/being excluded from things
Creating drama out of pettiness
Those who considered themselves disrespected
