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Should I Move? (Moving Horary)

Horary Chart Casted For Relocation


So, me and my Bestie were just having a casual text conversation, you know how it goes. And out of the blue, she drops the bombshell that she's thinking of moving to a whole new freaking place. Classic Bestie move, since she's ruled by her Sagittarius moon and always itching to travel. To add some flavor to this shit, we decided to consult some AstroCartography because, hey, why the fuck not not?! And guess what?!?! The place she's eyeing is apparently more rugged and full of fuckery, just like her current situation. And you know what she says? She fucking loves that shit. I can't even with her, I love her, she’s so toxic. So, naturally, we dug into the details of the place she's considering, which, coincidentally, is where I live! She's been scoping the place out vicariously through my eyes and experiences. And of course, we had to cast a horary chart because for something as big as a move, a deeper astrological insight is needed, right? The chart gave us some interesting insights that summarized the whole context of her potential move. Pretty cool, huh?

Should she stay where she is:

Now, when you’re checking if staying put is the better option, you gotta examine how well the rulers of the 4th, 1st, and 7th houses are treated. If these rulers are getting some sweet treatment, then staying is like chilling in paradise, ya know?

But, jesus fucking christ, at a quick glance, I see that the ruler of her 1st house, which represents her badass sexy self, is a malefic, making hella fucking negative aspects to the nodes and Pluto. Translation: she ain't being treated right where she's at. She's stuck dealing with intensity, manipulation, control freaks, explosiveness and power dynamics in her current place. Not bad bitch shit, at all.

And guess what? The ruler of the 4th house, which is all about home sweet home, is also ruled by a malefic. Saturn, the bad boy of the sect, is ruling the show in dis biatch. That basically means her home environment is a big nope. If she stays, she might be signing up for a shit-ton of harm, whether it's physical, emotional, or mental. Ain't nobody got time for that (unless it’s for the plot). To top it all off, Saturn not only rules the 4H, but is also residing in it, like a squatter being a fucking troublemaker. This horary is practically screaming, "Girl, you gotta move!"

Also if there's a connection between the chart ruler and the 6th house, it's a sign she should pack her fucking bags, and get up out dat bitch, because life there is gonna be nothing but one big snooze-fest full of routine and predictability, which she absolutely fucking despises. Let's not forget, if the ruler of the 2nd house is getting screwed over, that's another clue to GTFO. And wouldn't you know it, the ruler of her 2nd house is the same as the ruler of her 1st house, and it's getting a beating. It's crystal clear, she needs to move, like, yesterday.

Oh, and if the ruler of the 12th house is pissing off the Moon or ASC, it means her neighbors are not exactly besties with her. In this chart, Venus, ruler of the 12th house, is squaring the Moon, so her neighbors probably passively dislike her, like most neighbors do.

Lastly, if the 4th house is infested with malefic planets, it's a sign that the residents there ain't gonna thrive. And guess what? My friend has kids, so that's a big red flag right there.

We can also explore other factors, but you get the picture. It's pretty damn clear that she needs to make a move and find a better place to call home.

When Should She Move:

Alright, buckle up, because I'm about to take a shot in a dimly lit room with timing, even though it's considered one of the hardest things to do in horary astrology, and I am not that good with horary. But hey, why the fuck not, right? I'm, pretty great, so I’m gonna give it a try!

So, here's my method: I'm looking at how many degrees the chart ruler and the moon are from each other. And based on my calculations, I'm gonna go ahead and predict that in either 12 weeks or 12 months from the time she asked this question, the querent will actually make her move. Yeah, it's a pretty wide time span, I know, but hey, astrology isn't always about pinpoint accuracy.

But here's the juicy part: the next aspect the moon (course of events) is gonna make a square to Venus, which happens to be the ruler of the 12th and 7th houses, and they're both hanging out in cardinal signs. Now, what does that mean you ask? It means that in ~7 weeks she's either gonna make developments towards gather the funds to make her move, she might end something (especially a relationship/bond), or there could be some relationship, contractual, or committal development that throws a monkey wrench into this whole situation.

Where should she move:

Alright, so all the horary sources I’ve found only talk about relocating to a different country. But here's the twist: each house is connected to a different cardinal direction. So, in this chart, her ruler is hanging out in the 10th house, which happens to represent the south. Ding, ding! It's telling her to head south, baby. And not only that, she should find a place that can accommodate the Leo Mars energy that the chart is giving. Lucky for her, the city she's eyeing is south of her current spot and seems to check all the boxes for her current astrological profile as it has her favorite Leo Mars person (me) and has a prominent Martian Sun in it’s chart, making it both Solar and Martian. Perfect match, for where she is in life right now I'd say.

So, there you have it, my friend's cosmic journey to find her next kick-ass destination. It's all in the stars, my guy! And I hope this Moving Horary helps you as well! :D


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