Artemis, the goddess of the moon and sister of Apollo, is one badass deity. She's the epitome of girl power, the virgin goddess who commands the wild and the hunt. She's got a trove of myths that could fill a library. Just to give you a taste though, she had a role in the notorious Trojan War (thanks to Eris stirring up trouble), and she struck a deal with Nemesis, the goddess of retribution. But here's the real deal—Artemis has a devoted following in the form of a cult nestled deep in the forest. These fierce virgin girls stand as protectors of the wilderness, women, and children. Talk about a powerful sisterhood!
Fun Fact:
Ursa Minor or Major, or whatever the fuck, turns out, has its roots in a myth connected to Artemis herself. So, here's what happened: Zeus, being his usual man whore self, managed to seduce one of the ladies from Artemis' cult (surprise, surprise). But when Artemis discovered that the woman lost her virginity, she wasn't having it. She served up some divine punishment by transforming her into a bear.
Lunar Connection: Artemis, being the moon goddess, shines a celestial light on those influenced by her. They may possess a deep connection to the moon, its cycles, and its mystical energy. It grants them a unique understanding of the ebb and flow of life.
Protectors of Women and Children: Just as Artemis has a fierce dedication to safeguarding women and children, individuals influenced by her exhibit a strong sense of protection and advocacy for the vulnerable. They champion the rights and well-being of those in need, standing tall as defenders of the oppressed.
Nature's Stewards: Artemis, the goddess of the wild, ignites a profound respect for wildlife and nature in those she touches. They feel an inherent responsibility to preserve and honor the natural world, becoming stewards of the environment and advocates for its preservation.
Virginity and Purity: The virtue of virginity and purity resonates strongly with those influenced by Artemis. They may hold these qualities dear, valuing self-reliance, independence, and the strength found in preserving one's individuality.
